Upgrading To A Tile Roof

Weather resistance is a primary consideration when installing a new roof in Florida. It needs to be able to stand up to extreme weather and high temperatures.

We regularly get large amounts of rain, hurricanes, tropical storms, and intense heat. Our roofs keep us safe, dry, and protected.

Here are some considerations when you consider upgrading your roof to tile:


Tile roofs can withstand the wind, rain, and the tile reflects heat, so you might even notice your energy bills getting lower, as your air conditioning system won’t have to work as hard during the hottest days of the year.

Environmental Friendliness

If you are concerned about the environment, you’ll be glad to know that our tile roofs are not only energy-efficient and fully recyclable. They need to be replaced less often than asphalt roofing materials, which saves time, money, and space in landfills. 

Upgraded Home Value

A tile roof is a luxury item that many potential homebuyers can appreciate and are happy to pay more money for. When the time comes to put your home on the market, a tile roof is one of those extras that can help it sell more quickly and command a higher price. If several homes in the neighborhood begin installing tile roofs, you could even see the market climb in your immediate area, as these roofs make a neighborhood more attractive to buyers. 

For more information on what Shell Razors Construction and Roofing can do for you, please CONTACT US.